Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hydrogen drum machine software

I came across Hydrogen, a free drum machine program for Windows, Mac and Linux. I think it could be helpful for learning new rhythms. While I'll admit I'm fairly handy with computers, it took me only a few hours to download, install, get the hang of it and recreate a few of our current rhythms.

Click here to hear what I've done so far.

You can download Hydrogen here.

We can share the Hydrogen files - you can load these into Hydrogen and then modify them. Here's the file for the .mp3 above and here's the cerdos for the 6/8 rhythm. If folks are interested I can bring my computer to practice sometime and show how it works. Note that I've substituted instruments. For instance, I've not yet found high and low cow bells or how to make them myself.

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