Wednesday, April 2, 2008

No Samba Today? (was Re: Samba back to **5**pm at St John Wedensday 2 April)

Dear Sambingos-

I just found out that there's a committee meeting at Saint John at
4:30 and then there's the regularly scheduled class at 6:00...


unless we can find another place to practice we'll have to cancel for this week.

Any ideas?


On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Michael Shook <> wrote:
> This way we won't disturb the class that takes place in the office at 6pm.
> We're still looking for that first day that it's nice enough to
> practice outside, but I don't think tomorrow is it. (very windy they
> say).
> Baby Hey!
> -Michael

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